Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Confined in jail

The wheel rotates on its axis. It's one of the scientists understanding of gravity. Will you know when this world will run out? I myself also do not know. Learning from all the things that many in society gossip, I was stunned would make the Day of Resurrection. The debate between religions also been plagued throughout the world. Do everything I would do this are included in the category of work?

Prison life. Words that make me realize that my days trapped by time and trouble. Huft, the wheels will keep spinning, never run out of time, and they never complain about tomorrow.
While humans? We like a fool to follow the will of the world. Enjoyment of the world's most life is sex and drugs. That's what I see from all the world. I tried to learn everything but u have not found true certainty in life.
Many websites that have ownership would pornographic videos, with their nudity, elegance prostitutes following the generous benefactor of good-paying them. Well, the prison world. We're slumped in its own pleasure to do it all. Collapsed in the prison world. That is the prison world. Are there any of virgins in this world? Is there a virgin on this earth?

I guess only 1 compared to 1000 people. hmmm.It's still in jail humane. Not to mention the prison experience that now we are facing, global warming.

Is it true that this earth will go back to the stone age? New prison. Yes, the new prison will we experience next few years.

Catholic Daily

While in this world, we can never be separated from the struggle. As the wheel rotates, sometimes above, sometimes below. But we must continue to strive for this wheel remains round, in order to continue to operate and run well, though through a muddy ground, through the rocky road, through difficult terrain. We also have to try for as long as in its way, the wheel can not be separated from its axis, which is Christ himself. That illustration is described by Geovanny Karamoy, or used to be called "Mr. Vanny", team members Shepherd Community of the Holy Trinity (KTM), in recollection event themed "Christian Family Facing Globalization Era", which took place in Bogor, 15 to 16 March 2010.

To be attached firmly on its axis, which is Christ, according to Mr. Vanny, wheel of life we must also have 5 pillars (bars) the following:

Prayer: This is a sturdy bulwark in every tempest. When husband and wife go trials, when there are problems with children, families that can survive are the families who pray. Here there is adherence to carry out the will of God, like the example of Mary. Obedience from the beginning to the end, carrying out God's will completely. Without prayer, obedience and submission can not exist. Indeed, this of course requires struggle and constant self-denial.

Sacraments: It is often forgotten, and less internalized its role. In fact, the sacrament of marriage for example, is a sign of God's unifying presence. Sanctity of the sacrament of marriage is so noble in the eyes of God, but the influence of age, including the influence of technology was now much eroded the sanctity of this.
Another example, the sacrament of reconciliation. Mercy of God's amazing grace caused Him to bestow forgiveness through this sacrament. If the family appreciate the meaning of this sacrament, there must also of forgiveness in the family. Do not dream that the wife / husband, child, parent, are perfect. When the husband guilty, forgive him, surrender to God, for God's grace flowing within him, and flowing in the family. Do the same if the wife is at fault. Likewise when the kids are guilty, forgive them, do not play the smack.

Scripture: This is God's love letter, which should make us always longed to read, to listen to His Word. We learn to listen, also against members of our family. Listen to the husband, wife listen, listen to the children. In our family experiences, the Lord also spoke. So, listen!

Serving: ought to serve one another family member - with a sincere, with a readiness, and with love! Many marriage finally ended because of the constant demands of their partners. Demands that can not be fulfilled can lead to despair that led to the termination of marriage.

Togetherness: This involves the attention and presence. As a father, for example, do not say love to my wife and kids if there is no attempt to frequent attendance. Similarly, as a wife, your husband is the aid to make it holy. Therefore, you need to frequently together, in order to purify each other. Togetherness is what will sanctify.

The five pillars of the family is what connects us with Christ. (01)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The case of repeated

Okay. This actually already have my cap a few years ago. But this case is open again in the course of my life. Why and why it is happening and be in my mind. I hope this just traffic alone, which come and go as soon as possible. Do not ask me like this or not. Of course my answer is definitely NOT !! Why am I not answer? Because this case I've ever faced, and I would never want it back. Imagine if some of your friends are talking about you behind your back. Defamation, angry, insulting, cursing, gossip, whether it is all worth it? I think not. Not to the best choice, it all not worthwhile.
Perhaps it is time for me to accomplish this task. Because I did not complete the previous task. My case was not complete and run away from problems that this bastard.
they think i am who? I try to think positive with them. And i think all this is the lack of maturity in their attitude.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

There's no purpose.. 有没有用。

Whether want to get away or just a feeling that is not delivered. Everything felt empty without laughter from his face, I do not expect a more only want to learn to be wise in dealing with situations like this.

Like two birds who live in a cage but do not speak
Is it still called a friendship?
For me there is no word if it all ended with a friendship this way.

God when all this must end, rather really ended. Because this is the umpteenth time like this.
Is there still hope to come back? should be friends, not friends but indifferent to one another. The odd thing I've ever experienced, so do not expect I would be flattered by her attitude. because he don't reflect good character at all.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Happy Sunday part II

Sbnr'y kmrn gw bete abiessss...
sayang'y gw jg bukan org yg bz bc pikiran org ..
klo gw adalah org yg bz bc pikiran org enak bgt kali y..

thx krn u dah care pas gw ultah, tp makin lm skrng gw makin tau sp u..
klo kmrn" ne kita dkt ky'y mnrt gw it adlah hal biasa dr awal pertemanan. tp makin kesne makin jelas sp u..
bayangin aj gw d cuekin abies"n kmrn d kampus.
mau jd ap cb.
rs'y gw pgn negur dn blng sm dia. syng gw bkn sp" dia.tmn aj jg bkn..
hahaha sepertiny mank it yg lbh pantas gw blng gt k u..

liat aj ntar gw gk akan inget" apapun tentang u.. nothing special dr u..
bahkan klo gw boleh jujur, u adalah co yg pengecut, lembek, tertama ank". mc manja..
bdan u duank yg gede so gede, tp dalemny ank" abies.. gk mikir dewasa.
thx ud kc gw kue k gw. tp next gw gk akan kc ap" k gw, bahakan ngucapin pun gk seperti'y.
gk penting jg gw buat nangisn seorang co yg manja..

hehehehe terserah u mo blng gw sombong, ato sebutan kata" laenny dr lidah mulut u karena prcuma u ngejek gw, gw jg gk bakal mo denger u lg..

thx for all.. :) Gbu always..

dn untuk hari ini bnr" lepas pikiran bgt gw pulang dr pelayanan..
ad yg lepas dr punggung ini rs'y.. Thx Babe.. Love U so much..

komitmen Tesa mulai dr hr ne,.. :

saya tidak akan menangis hanya untuk seorang cowok.
saya tidak akan mengatakan apapun sepatah kata pun sm dia.
saya jg akan mencoba untuk menutup hati saya untuk siapapun sampai Tuhan yg membukakan untuk siapa hati ini saya berikan..


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

zz bgg "

i dont know why.. =="
after I go through all this again, I felt the same as a few years ago.

I dont know what made me want to say that I am happy to do this than it hurts my heart.

huft .. "Silence is better than a lot of talk"
btw, now I really cann't think anymore.

Home from college, I got a message from Erin.
She is my bestfriend. I am friends with her long enough..

She sent a message and said that she wanted to go away, and asked for prayer from me to her.
She said tomorrow would go a long way, but dont tell me where she would go. Kept her mouth shut doesn't tell what was happening to her. I am really worried.

zz bgg "

i dont know why.. =="
after I go through all this again, I felt the same as a few years ago.

I dont know what made me want to say that I am happy to do this than it hurts my heart.

huft .. "Silence is better than a lot of talk"
btw, now I really cann't think anymore.

Home from college, I got a message from Erin.
She is my bestfriend. I am friends with her long enough..

She sent a message and said that she wanted to go away, and asked for prayer from me to her.
She said tomorrow would go a long way, but dont tell me where she would go. Kept her mouth shut doesn't tell what was happening to her. I am really worried.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The first time I stood together with them outside of worship.
I stood with a smile of joy, because He gives us a chance to sing hymns with others out there.
Without Him and I do not mean that you like now.
Whether as the wind that blows my cool for you guys together.
Without Him, I will not meet with you all.
Without Him, I can not stand like this.
Without Him, my life would not be meaningful.

LOVE you guys...
and Love You Jesus, because u give me them in my life :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Read: John 5:1-9
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Will you recover? -John 5:6
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Readings for One Year: 1 Chronicles 25-27 • John 89:1-23

Novels of John Steinbeck won the Pulitzer Prize, The Grapes of Wrath (Grapes wrath), begins with a scene in the drought-stricken Oklahoma during the Great Depression (Great Depression destroy the economy of countries including the United States). When the harvest of agricultural land is dying and covered in dust, the women watched their husbands to see if they would crumble under the pressure. When he saw the fighting spirit of their husbands, these women were strengthened. Steinbeck wrote, the women and children know in their hearts that no misfortune was too great to bear, if their husbands have the integrity of the liver. The problem is not in happiness, prosperity, or satisfaction, but wholeness. This is a great need for us all.

In the Bible King James Version, the word "integrity of heart" is often used to illustrate the work of Jesus about physical healing. When Jesus met a man who has been paralyzed for 38 years, he asked "Would you be cured?" (John 5:6). After healing the man, Jesus challenged him also that he experienced a spiritual wholeness. "You have been recovered: sin no more. So that you do not happen that much worse" (ay.14).

If we just wanted something that could be Jesus for us, our relationship with Him will be limited. When we want to Jesus, He will give you perfection in our lives. Above all, Christ wants us to form a whole person. -DCM

I am grateful to You for Your precious Word
Where You made me see
I am a sinful, helpless soul,
That in the intact right back with a trust-thy-sperm.

--- Only Jesus can give wholeness of life to collapse ---